Here is a recent guest lecture I gave on open innovation, the Learning map, the Doing map, and how they helped my daughter fix her paralyzed arm. This is a shortened version of the lecture that covers the main points.


I've been working for several years within Open innovation, and for the last year, I've been writing a book about it. To do further research for the book I'm interviewing a whole bunch of scientists, thinkers, and innovators from around the world. And I'll be giving various talks, like this one to get feedback as I go. In the interviews, we will be discussing open innovation, collective intelligence, computer science, machine learning, artificial intelligence, and practical applications of those to solve real-world challenges. Much like everything else I do, I'll be releasing these research calls and talks openly as a podcast for anyone to watch. I hope you will enjoy this journey of learning with me as we explore some deep rabbit holes together.