Dev4X Open Wiki

Do you want to help a growing community solve one of the biggest challenges/opportunities of our time? Do you want to  help provide education to those children in extreme poverty, conflict zones, disaster areas or in regions that restrict open education?

Over the past few months the community working on this challenge has outgrown our initial tools, and we have set out to create a new home for our efforts, an Open Wiki. This is where we can now grow into and share what we are doing with any that want to contribute or simply want to see what we are upto.


Our tools

In general the project's work and communications strategy follows the following flow (as seen in the image):

  1. The general public and interested parties find out about us at
  2. From there, we hope to engage with people and encourage them to help our project and join our Wiki and discussions
  3. From there work is done on Github and Trello.

Important communications and updates then flow back to the Website and Wiki to close the loop.

If you have not already check out our Wiki here: